International Luxury Wedding and Portrait Photographer Based in Cape May, NJ



The 3 C’s | A Business Motto To Live By | Kaitlin Noel Photography




Hi there! Welcome to the blog. Here you will find a journal about our lives, travels, weddings, portraits, behind the scenes and our favorite tips and tricks.

Hi, I'm kaitlin


Planning out your wedding day can surely be stressful. This guide will give you one of my example timelines. As the seasons change, so does your timeline, so reach out if you need more guidance. We are more than happy to help!



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There are 3. Three C’s that you should absolutely run your business based upon and most certainly your life. Choose. Chance. Change.

You must first CHOOSE to take a CHANCE to create a CHANGE. 

Doubt has always been a huge struggle of mine. I don’t have fear of what is yet to come, just doubt. I am CONSTANTLY wondering if things will really work out…and if they do, how long will it last? What has to fail for THIS to succeed? Doubt is crippling!

I have spent more time that I would like to admit in this lifetime creating pros and cons lists. I doubt every decision I made as a young new mom and even now as a mom of a 5 and 6 year old. I doubt decisions I make in my business EVERY moment of the day. A huge part of my doubt stems from comparison; the true thief of joy!

Going into 2016, both personally and professionally I CHOOSE to leave doubt at the door. I am going to takes CHANCES and hope to see the CHANGE I am craving. Others around me will doubt me. I know it. They will gawk and judge and criticize. Why? Because thats what people do. A wise woman in my life once told me that “people….negative, doubtful, critical people exist so we know where the line of their fear begins and at what point we get to cross that line.” What she meant by this is that people form negative, critical and doubtful thoughts about people, things and situations they can not understand or respect. Their are fearful of the unknown and people that CHOOSE TO TAKE CHANCES THAT RESULT IN CHANGE.

Well naysayers….I plan to scare the HELL OUT OF YOU THIS YEAR! Change is coming! And Im choosing to take some chances that may or may not blow up in my face: But the fact of the matter is: I CHOOSE!

Go embrace the 3 C’s. I dare you!

xoxo, Kaitlin Noel


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I'm Kaitlin and I'm so happy you're here. This blog a journal about our lives, travels, fashion, and style. Stay a while and say hello!

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THE Wedding TIMELINE guide

Planning out your wedding day can surely be stressful. This guide will give you one of my example timelines. As the seasons change, so does your timeline, so reach out if you need more guidance. We are more than happy to help!



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timeline guide

Planning out your wedding day can surely be stressful. This guide will give you one of my example timelines. As the seasons change, so does your timeline, so reach out if you need more guidance. We are more than happy to help!

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© Kaitlin Noel co. 2021  | Cape May, NJ