International Luxury Wedding and Portrait Photographer Based in Cape May, NJ



Exclusive Fall Workshop | Kaitlin Noel Photography | October 11, 2015 | Cape May, NJ

Wedding Advice



Hi there! Welcome to the blog. Here you will find a journal about our lives, travels, weddings, portraits, behind the scenes and our favorite tips and tricks.

Hi, I'm kaitlin


Planning out your wedding day can surely be stressful. This guide will give you one of my example timelines. As the seasons change, so does your timeline, so reach out if you need more guidance. We are more than happy to help!



It has been OVER TWO YEARS since I have hosted my last workshop! TWO YEARS!

I promised myself that the next time I hosted a workshop, it wouldn’t just be spewing out information that was recently bestowed upon me. I wanted to learn my craft, master portions of it, and teach about my experiences with new techniques I figured out along the way in HOPES of it helping someone else. I am a hands on learner to the core. I can sit in a classroom for days furiously taking notes, but at the end of the day, I learn best when I put what I was taught, into action.

This workshop will be hosted here in Cape May, NJ. We will begin the day with a lovely lunch and some introductory conversation( plus a few little tokens of my love and appreciation for your attendance…shhhh : P ). From there we will touch on the following topics:

  1. Client Experience- We will touch base on how to go about gifting and spoiling you clients…no matter WHAT your budget may be to do so. We will also touch base on how to set yourself apart in your area as well as creating a foundation for client relationships to be built upon (This is how you will achieve repeat customers, positive word of mouth, and ultimately, more bookings!)
  2. Workflow + Task Management- Not only will I touch on the tools that help my workflow be as effortless as possible, we will also go over HOW to plan a work day/create a plan that is conducive and REAL to your life situation. Whether you work another full time job, are a stay at home mom, or simply lost on “where to even begin”…I can help you there! I will run through a typical day for myself whether I am shooting a wedding, or simply managing tasks behind the scenes.
  3. Q+A Time- I always love to reserve some time to open up the floor to those that have any questions whatsoever pertaining to anything in the industry. I know, all to well, what it is like to have so many questions and just waiting for the right time to ask someone you look up to or you know has been there before. I am here to tell you that I will do my best to answer any and all questions you may have and just maybe give you a new perspective you didn’t have before. So bring those questions!!!! DON’T BE SHY! : )

(This is literally the only picture I have of me really “teaching”, clearly I need to have yall take more this go around!)

When we get to the styled shoot portion of the day, you are in for quiet a treat!! I am planning a rustic styled shoot in one HECK of a location. We will be shooting the most on TREND fall wedding palette for this year and that features the following colors; dusty blue, cranberry, blush pink and gold! Just wait till you see it all together!! We will also have a past KNP Bride and Groom decked out in their wedding finest to pose for us. And guys….WHAT POSERS THEY ARE! They are T.H.E. most beautiful and in love couple and they ROCK every portrait session we have ever had! Get excited.

During the styled shoot portion of the day, we will touch on the following:

  1. LIGHT! Finding the GOOD kind and working with the BAD- Its not secret that light can be one of the hardest or most complicated portions of photography. Whether its dealing with natural light issues, or OCF (off camera flash), it can be tricky. We are going to be focusing on natural light reflectors, back light and more.
  2. POSING!!! How to direct and shoot- Posing a couple can be tough. It can be wildly intimidating, overwhelming and cause one to get pretty flustered if the session gets off to a rocky start. We are going to touch on how to conquer those nerves, how to embrace the crazy and candid and how to capture the best angles with the best light that showcase you as an artist and ultimately, the beauty and love between your couple.
  3. Shooting Details/Shooting for Feature- Getting featured is so exciting. Even if you have been featured in 20 different locations, each one is new and exciting. Its a sense of accomplishment and validation in your craft. For the longest time I submitted wedding after wedding and shoot after shoot wondering why they weren’t chosen. The couple was gorgeous, light was pretty, overall environment was fantastic…but the problem was that I was not shooting for feature. I was not shooting in an editorial manner that magazines/blogs wanted to see. I am going to teach how to shoot for 1) yourself, 2) the client and 3) for feature and WHY ALL THREE are vital!

Clearly this is going to be a jam packed day of learning and hands on fun. I have limited the amount of seats to 10 because I AM VERY PASSIONATE about giving and paying individual attention to the attendees questions and learning processes. I also want everyone to have a chance to shoot the tablescapes, models, etc. I will build in plenty of time for everyone to have a chance to shoot a little bit of everything on their own without direction, and then I will step in and we can shoot together as a team.

FURTHERMORE, after the workshop has ended, I plan to open up 3 slots only. ONLY 3! They will be 30 minute individual one-on-one time slots with me at our local coffee shop so that we can do a portfolio review, quick branding chat, and so that I can answer any private questions you may have or simply so we can spend a little more time together away from a group setting.

Interested!?!?! GREAT!!! Here are the details!

WHEN: OCTOBER 11, 2015 (Times to be determined. Most likely 12-6pm)

WHERE: CAPE MAY, NJ (Specifics will be emailed privately)




HOW TO RESERVE THE 30 MIN ONE ON ONE TIME POST WORKSHOP THAT EVENING: Only 3 spots are available and each 30 minute spot is $100.00, please email me directly.

Workshop Seat

If you are in need of hotel information for the night before or the night OF, please let me know. I can get you a GREAT rate at a hotel here in Cape May. I know the hotel manager of operations (aka…my mom! : P)

Can’t wait to see you there!!!


  1. Rebecca says:

    Can’t wait! I always love learning and watching how you shoot! Client experience is a great topic!

  2. Emily says:

    Eeeeeek! I just bought a seat! This will be my very first workshop and I’m so freaking excited!! 🙂

  3. Kelli Wilke says:

    You jump started my wedding business in your last workshop after exclusively shooting commercial for 20 years. I thank you for that and look forward to actually knowing what questions I have now! I was like a deer in the headlights last time! I look forward to seeing you again , you are doing great work!

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I'm Kaitlin and I'm so happy you're here. This blog a journal about our lives, travels, fashion, and style. Stay a while and say hello!

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THE Wedding TIMELINE guide

Planning out your wedding day can surely be stressful. This guide will give you one of my example timelines. As the seasons change, so does your timeline, so reach out if you need more guidance. We are more than happy to help!



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timeline guide

Planning out your wedding day can surely be stressful. This guide will give you one of my example timelines. As the seasons change, so does your timeline, so reach out if you need more guidance. We are more than happy to help!

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© Kaitlin Noel co. 2021  | Cape May, NJ