When it comes to coffee, I like to think I have tried it all. Hot, strong, filtered, iced, spiced, grande and tall. With whip, extra shots, luke warm, cream and extra sugar. I have a personal obsession with about 4 different coffee creamers from the store, the pre-made iced mochas from Starbucks (of course) and any kind of ice cream, candle, or coffee infused product.
For myself, 3pm hits and I feel as though I was hit by a dump truck, rolled over by a steam roller, and scrapped off the road like a road sweeper does to common street trash. Yes–that rough! I am using running around with my hair on fire trying to feel productive in the day besides managing to change diapers, cut up hot dogs, and pick up the same toy for the 65,090 time.
I am often asked—“How do you manage a household, 2 children under 3, a husband with VERY demanding and fluctuating hours, and a full time photography business with NO assistants or babysitters. Answer: COFFEE.
During my 5 minutes of allotted personal time in the day, I stumbled across an LA based blog titled Cupcakes and Cashmere.
Meet my new obsession/ mid day pick me up. For all your business owners/stay at home moms/ and home run business managers–you can thank me and/or Cupcakes and Cashmere for sharing this Fridays Favorite: Cappaccino Pops.
Here is a “cappuccino pop” cheers to a productive Friday—especially after “hit the wall hours” of 3pm and later. Cheers!
Stay Happy, Beautiful, Fabulous and PRODUCTIVE!
Kaitlin Noel
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