International Luxury Wedding and Portrait Photographer Based in Cape May, NJ



Try Me! Tuesday | Contracts, Contracts, Contracts!!!!! | Do I Really Need One? | Cape May Professional Photographer




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Hi, I'm kaitlin


Planning out your wedding day can surely be stressful. This guide will give you one of my example timelines. As the seasons change, so does your timeline, so reach out if you need more guidance. We are more than happy to help!




I have been shooting professionally for about 6 months now but I am not having anyone sign anything….should I? Are contracts really that important, even if I am not charging much and its mostly shoots for my friends and their friends?”


Seeking Any and ALL Contracting Advice


Usually when you say things three times in a row, its sticks better. So lets try this, CONTRACTS…CONTRACTS…CONTRACTS!

If you are a photographer and are shooting ANYTHING for ANYONE without a contract STOP!

Contracts are so completely important…and 100% NECESSARY!


They are soooo important that I make my friends and extended family sign them, too. Sure…it feels silly. Weird. Maybe even wrong to ask….but its a matter of life and death…well, in terms of the future and existence of your business it is.

I have seen it happen far too many times…Photographer is asked by best friend “A” to take her sons pictures. She pays said photographer, photographer gives back images, best friend “A” is not happy with them, wants money back, photographer is in awkward spot…BLAH BLAH BLAH DRAMA! Then sadly, friendships, relationships, fall apart. Drastic…maybe. Really happens, yes!

A contract is the ONLY way you have to protect yourself and your growing, or thriving business. 

They are a written, iron clad document that if needed, can be used and admissible in a court of law as PROOF of consent to not only take the images, but post them, print them, etc.

Also…contracts actually help your business grow and maintain success over long periods of time. They keep your business clean, professional, and ultimately documented/organized.

I feel this question burning in some of your minds, so lets just address it now:

“But Kaitlin, they are so boring, confusing, and just down right irrirating to keep up with/produce. How do I even know where to start and what to to include?”

Ok, first off, getting a contract made can be expensive, but if you simply consult a lawyer on the elements your contract needs to include vs. having them draw up one for you, you are looking at maybe a small consultation fee. It may also be worth it to you to find a template online, or purchase a pre-drawn contract for your state/industry online.

If you decide to draw one up yourself, there are some very important elements you NEED to make sure you include. One being, CANCELLATION OF SERVICES or a REFUND FOR SERVICES OR DEPOSIT. A contract is a promise. A bond. A written “word” between you and your client. You need to CYA by stating EXACTLY what happens if and when a session has to be moved due to illness, weather, schedule conflict, what have you. Your contract also needs to specifically state HOW a refund will be given if monies have already been issued. Monetary return or a gift certificate to your business…or better yet, NO REFUNDS! Going back to cancellations, PLEASE be sure to specify how LONG a client has to cancel or reschedule before a fee is imposed or before a refund is no longer allowed to be issued.


***Think about whether or not you want to charge fees for late payments, what you want to do about no call. no shows, and how you want to handle wording in regards to refunds due to dissatisfaction with final images.

Another issue your contract needs to cover is PRICING!

Lordy me! When you shoot a session and you quote a client on that session fee, product fees, taxes, etc…THAT NUMBER needs to be explicitly typed in that contract. This PROVES that, that amount was agreed upon by both the photographer and the client. This prevents the clients that says “I thought you said it was this much….you over charged us…etc”.

You also need to specify how you are charging. For example, “Your portrait session for February 10, 2013 is scheduled for 1 hour in length. The hourly rate for the photography session is $xxx/per hour. Client agrees to pay said amount for the one hour of photography service.” Something along those lines is just perfect!

Again, be sure to go over late payments, payment plans, fees for bounced checks, hidden costs (tax, shipping/handling) and accepted methods of payments (and any fees associated with that).

Third…now this is a big one because it also the most easy to get tripped up on…especially in todays social media platforms. YOU NEED TO ADDRESS ADVERTISING, MARKETING, AND USE/ RIGHTS TO AND OF IMAGES BOTH IN AN ONLINE OR PRINTED MEDIA FORMAT!!!!

Your contract serves as a model release. You need to explicitly state to your clients that you are the owner of the images. You have the rights to use them on all your social media platforms such as Facebook, your business website, blog, etc. You need to tell your clients in WRITING if you plan to ever use them in printed media for publication, commercials, billboards, etc. You also need to include RULES AND GUIDELINES they must abide by when posting the images they receive from you…whether its from PASS or off of their DVD. Remind them that it is illegal for them to sell your images, pass them off as their own, re-edit them, etc.

It seems obvious to us….but to many others, its not. It is OUR JOB as professionals to educate them on proper photo etiquette in the digital photography world via a very detailed and well structured contract.

Lastly, and by no means is that ALLLLLL you should have in a contract…but it is an excellent place to start….you need to have an area where it provides adequate information to contact you, a line for them and the second party to sign and print both their names and the date…and an ADDITIONAL line if the party is under 18…in which case they need an adult to consent to their images being taken and used where ever you may specify.

We are in a crazy, digital, and very PUBLIC way of life these days y’all. WE PHOTOGRAPHERS need to CYA alwaysssss! First and foremost…if you want your business to last and grow, you have to put aside the awkwardness of asking for the Hancock before any services are rendered. Trust me…I have some horror stories I could share with y’all from BEFORE I had a contract, and now how things are handled when issues arise now that an official and legal contract exists NOW! : )

So, my dear…..CONTRACTS ARE A MUST! They are without a doubt a serious matter….a professional part of this business….and a legal aspect of this industry that simply can not be overlooked. TRUST ME!

You can find contracts and full kits right on etsy. Just go to and type in “Photography Contracts”. If you are making your own and need a template….Please email me at  I would be more than happy to send you one!!!


Kaitlin Noel



  1. Cait says:

    Great tips! I know I HATED creating my contracts 5 years ago! So much legal mumbo jumbo that’s so incredibly important but so very boring. Great advice to anyone with a business Kaitlin!

  2. Samantha says:

    Love these !!!

  3. Olga says:

    THANK YOU!!! The industry needs more education both for photographers and clients about the importance of contracts!!!

  4. Kim Hall says:

    I just started my business in January and this has given me the push to do my contracts…funny part, married to a lawyer! yes, the cobbler’s children have no shoes. lol Thanks for reminding me how important this is to get these contracts done!!!

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Planning out your wedding day can surely be stressful. This guide will give you one of my example timelines. As the seasons change, so does your timeline, so reach out if you need more guidance. We are more than happy to help!

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© Kaitlin Noel co. 2021  | Cape May, NJ