This past Friday I had the INSANE honor of speaking on Shoot and Share LIVE! I am a member of a type of community many only dream of getting to be involved in. I have said time and time again that joining SHOWIT and becoming a Showiteer was a game changing decision for me and my career. The friends I have made, the things I have learned, and the experiences I have been able to take part in are ALL BECAUSE of this community and family of photographers.
On Friday, I got to live out my 15 minutes (well, 31 minutes…but who is counting : P ) of fame and give a live chat that over 10,000 photographers have access to! I was so nervous, totally not going to lie there. Im talking…shaking knees, sweating palms, lump in throat and a HORNETS nest buzzing about in my stomach! These are my mentors…my peers, my idols! How could I possibly help or inspire them!?!??
I spent the 2 nights prior to the LIVE feed writing down notes and points I wanted to address. I am pretty sure I went through about 5 drafts. Keeping information that took me 4 years to find out, under 30 minutes, was TOUGH!
The Shoot and Share community is made up of photographers that LOVE to help others grow. We all inspire each other, give out advice, and lend and UNCONDITIONAL + SELFLESS hand to others. There is no sense of competition…or secrecy. We believe in helping other grow only helps out business grow. I told you….AMAZING POSITIVE INSPIRING GROUP OF PEOPLE!
So, if you are interested in seeing what I had to say and have 30 minutes to spare, head HERE for the rewatch, or click right on the video at the bottom…. and feel free to shoot me an email if you have any questions that are more targeted towards you and your brand. Like always, I am here to help!
Thank you Justine and Kevin and everyone that makes SHOOT AND SHARE possible. I had such an amazing time and overall experience and I honestly can’t wait to do it again and see a lot of you at UNITED in less than 2 weeks! EEEK!
XOXO, Kaitlin Noel
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