International Luxury Wedding and Portrait Photographer Based in Cape May, NJ



Advice, Encouragement and Motivation | New Year, Growth and Change




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Hi, I'm kaitlin


Planning out your wedding day can surely be stressful. This guide will give you one of my example timelines. As the seasons change, so does your timeline, so reach out if you need more guidance. We are more than happy to help!



Kaitlin Noel Photography | Cape May Professional Photographer


Happy New Year to you all!!!!

2013 is officially underway and there is no better time than the present to start taking steps towards change and growth. Whether that may be in relation to your personal life or your career, growth should be at the top of your 2013 to do list.

At this point in the year, many of you are making those weight goals, fitness plans, and joining your local gyms. The signing up is the easy part…. the hard part about going to the gym is simply that…GETTING UP AND ACTUALLY GOOOOING to the gym. Am I right?

Taking the first step towards change or growth cannot only be scary, but it can seem overwhelming. At step one, you feel as though a never-ending journey is ahead. No light can be seen at the end of the tunnel. In the same token, growth leads to unfamiliar territory. The unknown is never an easy concept. This is where faith, courage, and conviction come into play. At the end of the day it comes down to this: HOW BADLY DO YOU WANT IT?

As humans, instant gratification is what we seek. We want success in the blink of an eye. We aim for the path of least resistance. When we fail, or panic over the idea of failure, shutdown mode sets in. I think we have all been there, done that, right?

AND THAT’S OK. But now it’s a new year and time for things to be done in a NEW way! So I came up with 5 pieces of advice to hopefully set you on track for a new year of growth and positive change.


Kaitlin’s Advice:


  1. Do not over complicate things! 

    Take everything one day at a time. One step at a time. Do not be in such a hurry to race to the top or the finish line. You my miss some pretty incredible things along the way. Simplify your needs and wants for the next year and make a sincere effort to take the first step towards growth and change.


    2. Make a To-Do List! 

    For each month of the upcoming year, write down small and easy tasks. Why? Because when you accomplish them and cross them off that list, satisfaction sets in. Motivation sets in. A sense of accomplishment is bestowed upon you. This will only drive you to cross off the To-Do’s that are little more involved. At the bottom of that list, my a Dreams list. On this list, DON’T be afraid to write down those big dreams. You never know what the future may bring, but if they are written down, they become more real!

3. Do not compare yourself to anyone or anything! Ever! 

As photographers especially, we have this self-inhibiting complex that we need to be doing what everyone else is doing to be on the right track. That we need to shoot like “x” and create new projects like “y”. We begin to doubt our work, our own goals and the path we desire for business and ourselves. STOP IT! Create your own path and make it a goal to improve yourself….not improve upon someone else’s goals/path.  Trust me, what works for one will not necessarily work for you….as long as you are 100% you, you have no where to go but up!


My mother, for as long as I can remember, tore the quit and cant out of every dictionary we ever owned. She would say, “You can do anything. NEVER give up and never ever quit anything…finish it and give it 100%, 100% of the time. If by some chance you fail, you succeed in the only thing that really matters….the fact that you TRIED! This is the year to take chance. Lucky number 2013 means its time to step out of your comfort zone, go for those creative shots, make those daring dreams realities, and try something that inspires you.  Try your best, and then try again.


Pride….what an awful thing sometimes. I don’t know where the notion came from that “asking for help” was weak or not as noble as those that figure out and do everything on their own. Craziness! I encourage you to friend a mentor. Follow some new blogs (maybe mine??? : P Shameful plea I know), register for some new classes, join some new clubs. When you feel lost, when you are stuck and need help or advice, no one can do anything for you unless you ask. The worst thing anyone could say or tell you is “No”. And if they do say that, there are a million and one other people that would be more than willing to help you.  If all else fails, come to me, you know I will help in anyway I can!

This year is the year. Seasoned veterans, smack dab in the middlers, and newbies. This is a year of chance, dreams, adventure and growth. It all begins with one small step forward and a promise to never ever look back. Are you game?

Happy 2013….God Bless!

  1. Jess Cochran says:

    Love! Thanks for this, Kaitlin!

  2. Jennifer says:

    Love this, Kaitlin!!!!

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timeline guide

Planning out your wedding day can surely be stressful. This guide will give you one of my example timelines. As the seasons change, so does your timeline, so reach out if you need more guidance. We are more than happy to help!

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© Kaitlin Noel co. 2021  | Cape May, NJ