If you fail to plan, plan to fail.
The biggest mistake that I see younger and newer photographers making is that they don’t sit down and PLAN for their own future both in terms of their personal life and their business goals.
With a new shinny camera in hand and a Facebook business page to be “official”, they are off. No direction. No goals of their own. No plan.
Often, they immediately resort to copying someone else’s plan. Adopting someone else’s dreams. Then, when they do not improve, wonder where they went wrong, they tend to blame others…even the world…for their misfortune.
Its draining to scroll through my social media platforms and see newer photographers bashing others, bashing their clients, and even bashing themselves. Where is the kindness yall? But more than that, its hard to see someone with great potential give up because their growth is not as speedy or steady as others.
I am here on this gorgeous Friday to let you know, if you feel like you are failing, it is simply because you failed to plan.
Sit down, write out your plan for the day, the week, the month, the year, and then on a big dreams list, look 5-10 years down the road. Those are the hardest to plan for, but if you have plans for every other step of the way, you will learn faster what will and will not work for you, your life, your business model etc. If you try to jump ahead to where others are without taking the time to plan YOUR OWN direction, you will be lost. You will fail.
So, going into the weekend….take an hour or two this weekend and plan. Plan for you and no one else. Small failures along the way will happen, but its the how you handle those failures AND the plans you make to overcome them, that set you apart. That lead to success.
Happy planning.
xoxo, Kaitlin
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