This dreaded day of May has arrived. One that loomed on the calendar circled with a black permanent marker: Pre-School registration.
In about 2 hours I will be walking my 4 year old first born angel, Nicholas through the doors of a REAL, DEAL school. You with lockers, a cafeteria, kids and classes that up to 8th grade, school bells, carpools…the WHOLE THING.
As a parent you hold your newborn, look at their little chest rise and fall with each little breath. You study every spec of their face and count their eyelashes. You think….I have all the time in the world to stare at this perfect little human, memorize all his features and by the time they are school aged, I am sure I will be totally ok with letting them go a bit and regaining some personal space. FALSE! ITS ALL FALSE!
I want nothing more than to play hookie today. (Yes, Im teaching him the good lessons first : P )
I want to shove him back in a size 1 diaper, button up his romper and lay him on my lap to watch him all day. I dont want to put in his social security number on papers, meet his teachers, walk through the building and room that will monopolize most of my boys time.
Im scared. I am so happy he is so excited. But I….the mom…his best friend (or so I pretend) doesn’t want to share.
So with one hot cup of coffee in my hand to keep me from grabbing him and running away…and my baby boys not soooo little hand anymore placed in mine….I plan to walk through those doors…hold it together just long enough…..but once that school bell rings….I just may fall apart. Everyone has a weakness. For me….its my children.
So here we go Nicholas….Im SO NOT ready….but I know you can’t even wait. And I will do anything in their world to see you happy. First….I just have to open that school door.
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