We all have struggles. It could always be worse. When they say its hard….its because it is. Keep your head up, tomorrow is a new day.
We have all heard these powerful words of wisdom that keep us going at out darkest and hardest moments in life. We all have those that build us up. Sadly, we also all have those that bring us down.
Todays tip is better late than never I guess: There is always more to be thankful for than angry or bitter about!
My tip, my advice to you is to literally STOP. Look up. Look around. What do you see. A roof over your head. Food on your plate. A loved one. Whatever it is, be thankful. CHOOSE each and every day to be happy.
Never ever give into the negativity of others. Never let them bring you down or deter you from accomplishing your goals and dreams.
Just close your eyes. Just breathe.
Today I am letting the negativity fall by the wayside. I am letting the people who try to tear me down as they cripple their own dreams by trying to stop mine from happening, fade away. Its funny how that works isn’t it? The more time people spend tearing you down…the less they have to spend on making their own dreams come true. Bonus for you and I….I guess.
Tomorrow is a new day. Pour a cup of coffee…buy your favorite drink from Starbucks tomorrow (buy a drink for someone behind you), take one step forward out that door and smile…YOU ARE A ROCKSTAR. YOU, my friend, are loved!
You my friend…are blessed with another day to live your dreams and make new ones!
Tomorrow, I get to live my dream! Tomorrow, I am first and foremost a mother. Second, I am a wife! Then- I am a professional photographer with clients who love and support me every single day! Dream accomplished!
: )
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