It seems literallllly, like it was just yesterday. I understand that that is probably the most cliche statement I could use. That ANY parent can use. But it’s true.
Ryan was born EXACTLY 2 years ago at 6:13pm. We made little man come out early…NO WAY this mama was going to give birth on Halloween and NO WAY I was going to miss trick-or-treating for the first time with my first born, Nicholas. I had places to go. People to see.
Apparently so did my Ryan.
Once he was born, my 30 year old man trapped in a newborns body, was in control of his own life. Surprisingly…when he wanted to be cuddled and nurtured…it wasnt by me..the one whom just carried him for 10 months…but Daddy! WHAT A DADDY’S BOY! I am not sure that fact will ever change. But I am so glad he has such a wonderful bond….with at least one of us! hahaha
But all kidding aside…Ry Ry, as we call him, is my ‘grumple’, my ‘stinker face’. He has a scowl…a hairy eyeball/stink eye that is quite terrifying. He is incredibly loud. Loves to scream. And will literally bang his head into the floor if you try to tell him “No!”.
Ahhhh the good life! lol
Regardless of his “special” ways…Ryan has a huge heart. Is so so sweet. And is beyyyond good looking. (Yes, I am obligated to say that…but I actually mean it! 😛 )
Ryan– you are my entire world. You and your brother have made me whole. You two are to thank for the START of KNP and I will never ever forget that you were an inspiration to me from the moment I saw your face at 6:13 pm.
I am soooo lucky that I get to be your mom! I love you baby! HAPPY BIRTHDAY RYAN!!!!
Thank you Caramac for these GORGEOUS images of my baby for his birthday and for our holiday photos….they are stunning and all over my house! : P
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